Wednesday, July 15, 2009

July2009, and Congress is over compromising on the National Alt. Health Plan, by leaving workers tied to too expensive Employer private plans:SOLD OUT

It is not too surprising, with all these corporate lobbyists running around our Nation's capital like they owned the place, that Congress has already sold most of us in the low to moderate income "down the river" to being stuck with your Employer's private medical insurance plan, instead of giving us the option of the private or government plan!!

The non-working poor will get cheaper and better quality medicine,as will these politicians and all federal workers,,, but not us $40k/yr. working "poor" !! Is this another Republican insult, after more than 8 years of lies, neglect, suffering, and Republican hypocrisies ??!

President Obama MUST STEP UP TO HIS PROMISED "CHANGE",,,and stop this typical Congressional bad compromise.